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Key to business success: Surround yourself with great advisors.

Surrounding yourself with good advisors


It is common that business owners carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, often with no-one to share their business issues and problems with.  This often leads to unnecessary stress as these problems can often be solved or at least advanced by talking them through with someone who has a good working knowledge of your business.


One of the keys to success and not feeling alone in business is surrounding yourself with great advisors. We believe this is crucial for business owners to alleviate unnecessary stress and supports you to find solutions to your business and even personal and lifestyle issues.


By seeking guidance from industry experts, accountants, solicitors or trusted family or friends, business owners can benefit from a range of industry and business opportunities. These people could range from an industry expert to your accountant and solicitor or just wise family and friends. Consider this, your average public accountant deals with between 350+ businesses per year and through that insight develops strategies to address various business challenges.


I am continually amazed by the number of clients who bottled up concerns they have, not realising that their advisors may have solutions or connections to help resolve the issue at hand.


As an example, we had a client who was under considerable mortgage stress and was concerned this was going to lead him to lose his business despite the business being quite profitable.  He let this worry him for two weeks to the point of not sleeping until I bumped into him at a social occasion and realised something was wrong as he looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.


I followed him up the next day and had a conversation with him assuring him that his asset protection would ensure he wouldn’t lose his business and developed strategies to deal with his mortgage stress.  The relief on his face was immediately evident.


By partnering with knowledgeable professionals who can provide great guidance and support, you can make informed decision, optimise your financial strategies and navigate financial challenges with confidence. Investing in a strong advisory team can ultimately lead to long-term growth and prosperity.

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